Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We Got Married!!!

Did I seriously just fall off the face of blogging?! I'm absolutely the worst blogger, seriously! I always allow life to get into the way of things i really want to try. I think it's more fear than life. So, Tom and I got married! June 1, 2013. We had a small wedding with our immediate family. We planned the entire wedding ourselves. We searched for things that were special to us and are a part of who we are. I wouldn't change one thing about the way it turned out... well, i would change the weather! it was soooo hot. I'm going to post a video. tell me what you think. I'm on a great journey right now and I plan on blogging about it daily! I will explain more in my next blog. It's going to be amazing and Godly!! I'm so excited.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Where have you been??!!

Well, wow! What a mess. I have been busy with life, and if you read my profile you know "life" is six kids a future husband and two dogs.. Enough said, right? It's been since December since I wrote anything. The main reason I wanted to start this blog was to vent, like any mom should do on occasion. I mean if you don't vent to some one how in the world will you survive? I also, when starting this, was trying to find my way. I started studying the Bible more and really trying to better my faith and relationship with God. I feel like I'm doing that in some ways... I mean we pray as a family at dinner, I pray or chat all day long to God, sometimes I truly believe he is the only one that hears Me. I mean my children obviously DO NOT, considering what their rooms look like and my hubs doesn't because his brain is a mess with work, and well I spend all day in a room with four, two year olds! I decided today I would write again. My goal is to blog every night! Please pray I make my goal. Lol! Do you guys type lol? The hubs says it's stupid cause you really don't laugh out loud.... I guess he is kinda right, but it's fun to think the other person is really laughing out load... Right? Anyway.... I had surgery on March 8 so that took a lot out of me... I hired a sub for the daycare and three days after surgery I was up on my own for the first time, not walking very well, on a walker actually... My sub did a no show and no call! Here I am bent over looking lime a whole lotta hot mess and she doesn't have enough respect to pick up the phone and say I can't make it.. I have 5 little ones waiting for her. Nothing.... How rude! I had surgery on my abdominal muscles, so they cut me from hip to hip and repaired my muscles... The muscle you use like for everything! Try to sit, lay, walk anything with out using your abs. It's hard! I could not stand up straight because I would tear my stitches so for two weeks I had to walk bent over looking at the was horrible.. My point is I was suppose to be off work for ten days and three days after major surgery I had to go back to work... I'm better now, back to the normal cooking and stuff. It's almost summer here Austin and it's HOT!! It was 96 on Sunday. Anyway, you know what that means, school is almost over and we have been busy with school parties and field trips and blah blah.. The fun things! We have recently bought a new camper. We didn't buy it brand new, we bought it used, new.. Lol! It looks wonderful. Lots of camping trips coming up. We spent spring break on the beach of Port A. They had a sand building festival. It was amazing the things those people could create out of sand! I will try o post pictures of the sand sculptures, and field day. I hope my post wasn't to long and boring? I wanted to catch you up on my disappearance. Thanks for reading and don't forget to become a fan or member... God bless and have a wonderful day!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day To Day

Well today is another day, another trip to the Doctor. My little girl is not gaining weight properly so......:( on another note, I made a brownie, chocolate chip cookie, double stuff Oreo bar. Wonderful!!! I will try to paste the link?..I'm not the best at this computer stuff, so bare with me. Well, today is Friday:) that makes me smile bigggg! We have plans to sit on our bottoms, watch a movie(The Help) and eat chips, queso and salsa. Perfect night if you ask me. Tomorrow I get to watch two of my favorite kiddos all night! I sometimes keep my daycare kids so mom and dad cane have date night. Well the love of my life just walked through the door with the best food ever to ya soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Well, here goes nothing

Today is the day I decided I am tired of talking to myself and would try a little something. Quite frankly, I'm tired of having conversations on a two year old level. I have a lot of those around, two year old that is. I am your basic mom. I stay at home and run a small learning center from my up stairs game room. It didn't take much to make it a daycare room. I have an amazing man in my life, his name is Tom. He is a home builder here in Austin. We have six kids between the two of us. He has one girl, she is in middle school, two boys, one in his last year of high school and the other in his first year of high school. I have my three girls, they are in fifth,second and first grade. God has blessed me with so much over the past few years. I feel very fortunate in my life. It does get very crazy around this house. Like all homes and families, we have our up and downs. We have battles over kids cleaning rooms and shared room drama. We have our battles that end with "your not my mom/dad. I don't have to listen to you". You know usual blended family stuff. Well, here's to my first entry. Lol! Hope you enjoyed and comment if your a blended family. See ya soon!
